Guilty as charged. I played the game because a promise made is a promise kept. Back in September I played my part and fed Ranch fans a story about the discovery of a trunk containing old posters, pics and road weary odds and ins and tapes of Cole & Flynt Stryker, The Stryker Bros. Once thought lost forever only to be unearthed by Mary.
There is a ton of Texas Music History that resides with Cole & Flynt and if you’ve not taken a moment to read story, jump HERE.
Do The Stryker Bros. hold the key that opened the door to allow so many of our modern day favorites or….
Is it Robert Earl Keen and Randy Rogers pulling one of the most obvious of wool’s over all of our eyes? I hope not. If you didn’t figure this one out from the first few words of track one “Charlie Duke”, then the only points you probably scored on your SAT was for putting your name on the thing.
The folks over at Billboard got the exclusive reveal from REK and RR.
I make no apologies for my part in fanning the flames of The Stryker Bros. Promise made. Promise Kept. You want another? Catch me around and I’ll tell ya the story about the 2005 CMA’s in New York.
Adios, Friends.
See Ya Down The Road…