You read correctly folks, you can score free wings from Hooters on Valentine’s Day with a few stipulations. Hooter’s is again doing their Shred Your Ex promotion and it’s exactly what it seems.
You go to their website and answer a few questions such as how long you were together, how you broke up (in person, phone and so on), how long since the split and how dramatic it was. From there the website makes a suggestion on whether you should shred, burn, bury or throw darts at the picture of your ex. Once you complete everything you’re presented with a coupon, buy 10 regular wings and get 10 boneless for free.
I entered info from a nasty break up of mine to see what they recommended. We dated for a few years, broke up over the phone, it’s been years since the split and the drama level I selected “Justin & Britney” then clicked submit. Hooter’s recommended I throw a dart at her picture. Downside of the promotion, it’s all digital. What ever happened to the satisfaction of physically destroying your ex’s pics and left belongings?! That being said, I bet she’s reading this. Thanks for the free wings, deuces! 🙂
Jack Ingram – Love You