Butch, a three year old Boston Terrier Mix, came to HSNT after being evacuated from the Galveston County Animal Resource Center after Hurricane Harvey. Butch had been waiting there patiently for a home before the storm, so he is now looking for love in North Texas. Butch is an energetic boy who loves his toys. He would make the best playmate for adults or older children as he may play a bit rough for the little guys. Meet Butch between noon and six daily at HSNT’s Saxe-Forte’ Adoption Center 1840 E Lancaster Ave in Fort Worth.
ADOPT THIS WEEK’S PET OF THE WEEK FOR JUST $9.59 WHEN YOU MENTION 95.9 THE RANCH! (Offer applies to featured Pet of the Week dogs & cats only). For more info about any pet featured e-mail to: OutReach@HSNT.org or call 817-332-4768