In honor of Halloween I thought I’d take an office poll and find out what everyone’s favorite scary movie is here at the Ranch and Hank FM. The results will shock and horrify you, or bore you, one of the two. Here’s what everyone picked.
Courtney Smith (Account Executive) Chilidren of the Corn 1984 Based on a Stephen King short story, Children of the Corn reminded us all just how frightening children can be, especially when they’re trying to kill you with a sickle.
Brittany Blain (Receptionist) The Shining 1980 Another movie adapted from a Stephen King story, this one a novel, the Shining showed us a different side of Jack Nicholson and gave us some great quotes “Here’s Johnny”, and “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
Gabriel Arreguin (Graphics Director) Scream 1996 The movie that brought the slasher film back to prominence, and made all of us fall in love with Neve Campbell, is our Graphics Director’s favorite scary flick.
Justin Frazell (Morning Show Host) Silver Bullet 1985 As if a movie about a werewolf terrorizing a small town isn’t horrifying enough, this Stephen King classic also throws Crazy-Eyed Gary Busey into the mix.
Jack Murphy (Ranch Big Voice Guy) The Exorcist 1973 Despite being released forty-four years ago, this movie remains one of the scariest films of all time. Interestingly, it was also the first horror movie to ever be nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.
Jared Darter (IT/Social Media Director) Scary Movie 2000 Our Social Media and IT guy, who apparently didn’t understand my question, chose this Wayan’s brothers comedy as his favorite scary movie. The Wayan’s brothers laughed all the way to the bank though, grossing $278 million on a movie they spent $19 million making.
Jared Fuller (Account Executive) Alien 1979 This iconic sci-fi horror movie holds up just as well today as it did in the late seventies thanks in large part to it’s all-star cast (Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt).
Gina Halleen (Business Manager/HR) The Hitcher 1986 The Hitcher is Gina’s favorite scary movie, but she made sure to stipulate that she meant the original 1986 version that taught us all how stupid of an idea it is to pick up a hitch hiker and not the terrible 2007 version that taught us nothing.
Mike Crow (Hank FM Program Director) Mama 2013 One of the only newer films to make our list, Mike said and I quote “That damn movie had me looking behind doors for 6 months.”
Justin Garvin (Account Executive) House on Haunted Hill 1999 I love the plot of this movie, a rich dude finds a group of young people and offers them a million dollar prize each if they can spend the night in a super-creepy haunted house and they jump at the chance. Of course they do, who wouldn’t, our morning show volunteers to do that regularly and I’m pretty sure all they’re getting is free donuts on Friday.
Bryant Bott (Promotions Director) Never Ending Story 1984 For some odd reason this kids movie about Fantasia, a fantasy land threatened by the Nothing, was incredibly frightening to a young Bryant Bott . He said he was afraid of the over-sized flying dog which I guess kinda makes sense.
Kim Rieke (Traffic Director) The Birds 1963 I have to agree with Kim that Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds is a terrifying film. This movie caused my Aunt Bonnie to harbor a life-long fear of literally any kind of bird. However, the thing that always bothered me is how when given the choice between two cars to flee in, a sedan or a convertible, they chose the one with the convertible top.
Shayne Hollinger (Afternoon Drive) and Allison Hocking (Account Executive) Blair Witch Project 1999 One of the most successful independent movies of all time raking in $250 million on an unbelievable $60,000 budget. The shaky, first person camera work it utilized also caused many to leave the theaters. Those who stuck around witnessed a unique psychological thriller.
Tera Beall (Special Events/Retail Marketing Manager) Sleepaway Camp 1983 A slasher film that’s known for it’s shocking twist ending, although now that you’ve read that it probably won’t be as shocking.
Jennifer Sanchez (Promotions Coordinator) Carrie 1976 Apparently we have a few Stephen King fans that work up here, which might explain why we’re all cool with working in a very haunted building.
Sarah White (Ranch On-Air Personality) ET 1982 I never thought of this as a scary movie, but according to Sarah, it gave her a panic attack when she was 7 and she couldn’t finish watching it. How someone could live with not knowing whether or not ET was ever actually able to phone home is beyond me.
Shannon Meroshnekoff (Account Executive) Cujo 1983 A movie that brought to light the terrible truth that Saint Bernards are secretly fluffy, killing machines.
Andy Meadows, Me (Operations/95.9 Program Director) An American Werewolf in London 1981 This tale of two American dudes backpacking through London and being attacked by a super-cheesy Werewolf scarred me for life because my very responsible parents decided it was alright for me to watch it when I was 5 and incredibly imaginative, impressionable and already afraid of virtually everything.
Feel free to add comments below with your own favorite scary movie!